Investment home loan


If the applicant is applying for an investment home loan, then as a potential investment property, there will be a rental income in the future, this proposed rental income can improve the loan capacity. In addition, the investment interest can be deducted for tax purposes as well. Normally, the investment rate will be higher than the owner occupied property.

Repayment option for investment home loan

There are two ways of repayments for investment home loans, Principal and interest or Interest Only;
From the rate perspective, the P&I will have a lower rate, the I/O rate is higher;
From the tax purpose, since the I/O only calculates the interests expense, which will maximize the tax deduction benefit. * Please refer to your accountant for detailed suggestion.
From Cashflow side, I/O will normally has a lower monthly repayment;

Please reach out to our loan consultant for more information.

Investment home loan

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  2. I’ve got an existing home loan, how much can I borrow for the next investment property?
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Please reach out to our loan consultant for more information.